Our community brings together early career researchers in sciences




PHD, Catholic University of Milan

His PhD project focuses on the role played by Italy in Arctic exploration, with particular regard to the relation between polar expeditions and diplomacy. 


technical manager, Bicocca University Milan

Technical manager of the EuroCold Lab laboratory system. Geologist, he holds a doctorate in Polar Sciences and deals with the study of mineral dust in snow and ice and the stability of the snow cover. He has participated in numerous expeditions to the Alps, the Arctic and Antarctica.

Amaral Wasielesky Ana

PhD Student, Ca' Foscari University of Venice /OGS

I have a Bachelor's in Oceanography (FURG), Erasmus Mundus Master in Water and Coastal Management (UNIBO/UCA/UALG), and PhD candidate in Polar Sciences. Research focus: Ocean Dynamics in Antarctica

Aulicino giuseppe

research assistant, parthenope university of Naples

PhD in Polar Science (2011). Research interests in oceanography (Seaice; Ocean-ice-atmosphere exchanges; Polynyas; Eddies; AUVs and UAVs; Multiplatform monitoring) and remote sensing (SAR, PMW, TIR, altimetry). Former APECS-Italy coordinator.

Almagioni cecilia

student, University of Milan

I have just graduated in Physics with a thesis on the variability of snow cover in the Karakoram region, and I would like to pursue a PhD on these topics.

Amato Giulia

student, University of Sassari

I am attending the second year of the CdLM in Wildlife Management, Conservation and Control at the University of Sassari. In 2022 I did a postgraduate internship in Sweden, at the Grimso Wildlife Research Centre.

Ahmad Sheharyar

PhD student, Ca Foscari University of Venice

He has 9 years of technical and instructorship experience at public and private entities in a computer rich environment mostly associated with modelling and testing of incumbent methods for investigating earth system processes.


battaglia francesca

PhD STUDENT, Cà Foscari University of Venice

PhD Student in Science and Management of Climate Change. Expertise: geophysics, polar science. Research topic: seismic facies analysis and identification of glacial processes at high latitude continental margins: Ross Sea, Antarctica.

bertinetti stefano

post doc, University of Turin

I’m an analytical chemist, and in my PhD, I am studying the transport of atmospheric particulate matter in the polar regions by means elemental and isotopic (Pb, Sr) analysis.

Bianco Elena

Postdoc, University of Bologna

Her PhD research focused on better understanding the variability of Arctic sea ice across different timescales using ocean reanalyses and global climate models. She currently works as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Bologna, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy.

bonomelli sara

MSc student, University of Milan

I carried out my bachelor’s degree in Natural Sciences, acquiring skills ranging from earth sciences to biology. I'm currently continuing my studies with a master’s degree always in the field of Natural Sciences and in particular I'm concentrating, with my master’s degree thesis, on Arctic glaciology.

Basili Marco

PhD Student, UniBo - CNR IRBIM

Graduated in Marine Biology at the Univpm of Ancona, currently a PhD student and research associate at the CNR IRBIM of Ancona. I focus on the study of the marine environmental microbiomes.

Burgay francois

post-doc, Paul Scherrer Institut

I was born in Aosta and the passion for glaciers led me to study them from a chemical point of view. Currently I am involved in organic analysis on ice cores.

biscaro enrico

phd student, ca'foscari university of venice

PhD student in Polar Sciences with a research project which aims to understand if in the recent period Svalbard has really changed their climatic regime defining the potential associated consequences.

Balan Maria

MSc student, University of Genoa

I'm studying for a Master's degree in Marine Biology and Ecology at the University of Genoa. My studies and researches focus on antarctic copepods.

Bramati Gabriele

Student, University of Oslo – Department of Geosciences

Passionate about studying the cryosphere using remote sensing techniques in the optical and thermal bands, both multispectral and hyperspectra. Currently working on surging glaciers in Svalbard.

Barbagallo Blanka

phd student, University of Milan

I have a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Science and Policy and a Master’s in Environmental Change and Global Sustainability. Currently, I am doing the 1st year of the Environmental Science Ph.D. program (39th cycle) with a project on studying the albedo of Third Pole glaciers using remote sensing techniques.


celli giuditta

PhD STUDENT, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Graduated in chemistry, after spending one year in Antarctica for field research, she is studying how the ozone hole influences the mercury and iodine’s geochemical cycle.

cerri sofia

PhD STUDENT, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

MSc Sciences and Technologies for the Environment and Territory. The interest in glaciology was born during thesis project, focused on mineral dust in RICE ice core and their paleoclimatic interpretation.

Calì Quaglia Filippo

Research fellow, Istituto Nazionale Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)

Graduated in Physics at the University of Turin (M.Sc.), PhD Candidate in Polar Sciences at Ca' Foscari University of Venice (PhD defense expected in February 2024), currently Research Fellow at Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) in Rome. I'm interested in the radiative effects of aerosols and clouds in the polar regions. Overall, I spent more than 16 months in Antarctica and in the Arctic (Concordia Station, Pituffik formerly know as Thule, Qaanaaq, Kangerlussuaq area and Svalbard Islands) for experimental field campaigns.

coppolaro veronica

PHD STUDENT, University of Manitoba and Fisheries and Oceans

Assessing the impacts of increasing vessel underwater noise on marine mammals in the Canadian Arctic using passive acoustics to monitor potential changes in their vocal behavior and movements.

Cucini Claudio

PHD STUDENT, university of siena

I am Molecular Biologist and I am studying Antarctic Collembola biodiversity through bioinformatic methods

cometti valentina

phd student, university of siena

I'm currently a PhD student in Polar Sciences at the University of Siena. The main aim of my project is to study the composition and dynamics of marine benthic communities of the Southern Ocean using standardised technical devices, Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS), with a particular focus on the phylum Bryozoa.

Crosta Arianna

PhD Student, UUniversity of Milan

Dealing with the ecology of glacial environments (especially at high altitudes). Focused on biodiversity, its dynamics and the presence of contaminants.

crupi davide

student, university of Genoa

I'm studying for a Master's degree in Marine Biology and at the University of Genoa, and my thesis will focus on the application of machine learning in the study of the Antarctic ecosystem

Casagrande Elena

PhD student, university of Ca' Foscari

First I studied chemistry in Bologna, then I continued in Perugia, where I became passionate about Environmental Chemistry. I am currently a PhD student of the 39th Doctorate in Polar Sciences DIN.


d'amico marianna

Postdoc, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Her project focused on the distribution, sources and transport processes of chemicals of emerging concern in polar regions. She is currently conducting her research on atmospheric contamination in the Italian Alps.


PHD Student, Ca' Foscari University of Venice

He deals with modifications in Arctic and Atlantic water masses circulation in Kongsfjorden (Svalbard) in response to global environmental changes.

dentico carlotta

early stage researcher, National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics

I work on physical and chemical oceanography in relation to the carbonate system. I have investigated ocean dynamics in the North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean and in the Mediterranean Sea.

durazzano tiziana

MsC Student, University of Genoa

I am a master’s student from the University of Genoa. When not dreaming of visiting Antarctica I pursue my interest in biological oceanography and planktology.

Di Bella Daniele

Student, University of Milan

24 years old, I just graduated in Quantitative Biology in UniMi with a thesis written at AWI. I am looking to start my research career in the field of Polar Sciences.

Dumon Steenssens Léa

PhD student, Ca' Foscari/Uniba

I'm a PhD in marine sciences focussing on climate change and coastal dynamics on Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica. I'm 23 and I'm French

Di Palma Simone

PhD student, University Parthenope Naples

I have just started my PhD in Environmental Phenomena and Risks at the University of Naples "Parthenope". I mainly deal with the analysis of oceanographic data in polar areas.


fisauli giulia

phd student, university of perugia

I am a PhD student at the University of Perugia, my project is focused on the characterization of tephra for the study of the impacts of explosive eruptions and past atmospheric circulation paths, focusing on three volcanoes of the Northern Victoria Land in Antarctica. For the research project I will apply conventional and Machine Learning analytical techniques.

Frassati Stefano

PhD Student, Ca' Foscari University of Venice

Master’s degree in environmental chemistry, currently a PhD student in polar sciences. My research project deals with the quantification and photodegradation of micro-nano plastics in alpine and polar snow

Fiorini Deborah

PhD Student, University of Milano-Bicocca

Master’s degree in Physics, PhD student in Polar Sciences regarding optical and microphysical analyses of ice cores and impurities. I worked in the characterization of radioactive sources and contamination

Ferola Antonino Ian

PhD Student, Parthenope University of Naples

PhD in Environmental Phenomenon and Risks. My studies focus on the variability of the ACC main fronts and the analysis of eddies arising from its instabilities.

Fellin Diego

PhD Student, Ca' Foscari University of Venice

I am an enthusiastic PhD student in Polar Sciences who is investigating the interplay between aerosol and cloud in the Arctic. I majored in Chemistry with a focus on environmental and analytical chemistry and I consider myself yo be a sensible and curious person who is very collaborative and team-oriented, with a strong desire to be involved. I am very sensitive about the role of science towards climate change

Fioraso Marco

PhD Student, University of Siena

Hi, I’m Marco Fioraso, a geologist passionate of interaction between surface processes and deep-seated processes, I used thermochronology to reconstruct tectonics and landscape evolution

favaro eleonora

phd student, ca' foscari university of venice

PhD Student in Polar Sciences. My research focuses on the study of airborne emerging contaminants as tracers of human impact in alpine background sites, via HPLC-MS/MS and IC-MS/MS.

Furlotti Alice

Student, Stockholm University

I recently graduated in Physical Geography at Stockholm University, specializing in Polar Landscapes and Quaternary Climate, with a thesis focused on ice sheet modelling. I'm eager to pursue a PhD and contribute to the understanding of Earth's cryospheric systems.


Garofalo Giovanni

PhD Student, Institut Clément Ader (ICA)

PhD candidate currently focusing on the mechanics of materials (ductile, brittle, mixed) subjected to dynamic loading. Based in Toulouse, FR, I work at the Institut Clément Ader (ICA) in the M2SM/SUMO Directorate.

Grillo Marco

phd student, university of Siena

Marco Grillo research activity focuses on Antarctic Planktology. Currently he is doing his PhD at University of Siena focusing on Antarctic Pteropods.

gai giulia

msc student, university of Siena

I am graduating in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability. During my Bachelor I did an Erasmus in Helsinki, while from January I will be at the Norwegian Polar Institute. I scuba-dive.


PhD student, University of Siena

Currently PhD Student at the University of Siena. I work on Antarctic Echinoderms using morphological and molecular approach with main focus on convergent evolution and cryptic diversity in the ophiuroids.

Gomes Ilha João

PhD student, Ca' foscari university of venice

Hello! My name is João, I’m a PhD Student at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, in the Polar Sciences program, and I study the chemistry of ice cores.

Galli Giacomo

PhD Student, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia

After studying Natural Sciences and Environmental Sciences, I decided to dedicate myself for the study of recent microfossils from Antarctica with the focus on reconstruct marine paleoenvironment.

Genuzio Giulia

Phd Student, Ca' foscari University of venice

My PhD project is focused on the analysis of organic compounds and trace elements present in ice cores to reconstruct the evolution of the anthropogenic footprint.


Krauzig Naomi

Researcher Associate, Università degli Studi di Napoli "Parthenope" & Università Politecnica delle Marche

Passionate physical oceanographer, currently focusing on water masses in the Ross Sea, which impact, among others, the stabilizing ice shelves surrounding the Antarctic Ice Sheet and the global thermohaline circulation.


leo patrick

PhD Student, Ca' Foscari University of Venice

Cellular and Molecular Biologist. PhD project focus on the detection of biosignatures from fossilized and living cryptoendolithic communities from McMurdo Dry Valleys (Antarctica) to be applied in the field of astrobiology.

Linciano Martina

MSc student, University of Genoa

Marine Biology student with a strong interest in marine ecology and biodiversity, specialized in the taxonomic identification of copepods and the study of key organisms in the zooplankton community. Currently engaged in the analysis of zooplankton sampled in the Ross Sea using a sediment trap.

lodi rachele

PhD Student, Ca' Foscari University of Venice

Master’s degree in Applied and Environmental Geology at the University of Turin. She worked as study grant holder on the Nunataryuk (Horizon 2020) at ISP-CNR. Now she studies the POPs distribution in permafrost.

Lucà Nancy

phd student, ca'foscari university of venice

PhD student in Polar Science. My project is focused on the analysis of the formation and export processes of Antarctic Bottom Water in the Ross Sea


Merialdi alessia

bsc student, university of genoa

I'm a student of Biological Science at the University of Genoa. I’m doing my three-years thesis on Antartic Echinoderms and Porifera.

Moretti Simone

Postdoctoral Researcher, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry

Postdoctoral researcher from Italy currently at the Max Planck Institute in Germany, dreaming to come back to Italy to pursue my research on nutrient cycling in the Southern Ocean.

Metzger Martin

Student, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna

I'm a master student in physics of Earth system. My studies are mainly in climatology and I'd like to focus on the criosphere changes. Currently I'm searching a master thesis in ice modeling.

Marzaro Jessica

Research Associate, CNR – ISP, Institute of Polar Sciences.

Science communicator. I currently manage the social presence of the European project Beyond EPICA - Oldest Ice Core and I support the communication activities of the CNR – Institute of Polar Sciences.

Maiero Enrico

PhD student, Ca' foscari University of Venice, OGS Trieste

I was born in Udine in 1994. I graduated in physics in Trieste in 2019 and I am doing a PhD in Polar Sciences between the Ca' Foscari University of Venice and the OGS in Trieste. My research activity concerns modelling the Antarctic Surface Mass Balance in the paleoclimate, but I have broader interests in climatology and theoretical climatology.

Marturano Laura

PhD student, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Unime, CNR-ISP

I am a first-year PhD student in polar science. My research is based on the study of microplastics in Antarctica and the effects on organisms.

Monzali Matteo

PhD Student, University of Milano-Bicocca

PhD student at Milano-Bicocca University. Graduated in Physics of the Earth System at Bologna University. I deal with snow and ice remote sensing.

Meroni Simone

PhD student, CNR - ISP

I’m Simone Meroni, PhD student in polar science, I study the impact of light absorbong aersol on the climate system (mainly glaciers). The theme of my research is "Impact of fire emissions and dust uplift on the Arctic atmosphere"

Massi Lorenzo

Dottorando, Università ca'foscari venezia

PhD student in Polar Science at Ca’ Foscari University Venice. My PhD project based on chemically characterize the Antarctic and Arctic atmospheric particulate matter in terms of trace metal(loid)s. in termini di metallo traccia (loid)s.

Mariani Alberto

PhD student, University of Insubria, Alpsolut srl

I'm Alberto, I come from Valtellina. I've been involved in a research project in Greenland, I'm in the Alpine Rescue, an avalanche forecaster and researcher in the cryosphere remote sensing field.


nogarotto alessio

PhD STUDENT, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Master’s degree in Geology and Land Management at University of Bologna. He works with biogeochemical proxies from marine sediments paleoenvironmental reconstructions in the Arctic, Antarctica and the Mediterranean Sea

noli nicholas

PhD STUDENT, University of Siena

PhD in Polar Sciences (University of Siena), currently working for MNA (Museo Nazionale dell’Antartide) – Genova section, focusing on the study of Southern Ocean isopods.


oddone mauro

master's student, university "la sapienza"

Worker and Master’s student in Astronomy and Astrophysics, mainly interested in experimental research, space missions (satellite and terrestrial)

oranges massimiliano

phd student, ca' foscari university of venice

I have a degree in physics and I am a PhD student in Polar Sciences with Ca' Foscari University. I am part of the Astronomy, Space & Earth Observations curriculum


Petteni Agnese

PhD Student, Ca' Foscari University of Venice

Pranzo Raffaele

PhD student, Politecnico di Torino

I am a PhD student in Geography at Polytechnic of Turin. I am investigating the effects of climate change on Italian Alpine habitats through the implementation of ecological distribution models.

Pulimeno Simone

Ph Student, Ca' Foscari University of Venice

PhD project on the characterization of atmospheric aerosols thtrough the integration of active and passive techniques (solar and lunar photometry, LIDAR).

Prakash Chandradeo

Master's Student, Marche Polytechnic university

I am a master’s student in environmental engineering. I am from india and I am attending a Master's degree at the Marche Polytechnic University.


Rosso Beatrice

PhD Student, Ca' Foscari University of Venice

My PhD project focus on the assessment of small microplastics (≤100µm) and plastic additives fluxes in the atmospheric compartment and highways stormwater runoff in urban and polar areas.

Rappazzo Alessandro Ciro

PhD Student, Ca' Foscari University of Venice

Master degree in Marine Biology at the University of Messina in 2014. The I received different scolarships in the actual Istitute of Polar Science at the CNR of Messina. Now I am a PhD student in Polar Science at the Ca' Foscari University in Venice.

Rajendran Shobha Ajin

PhD Student, University of Florence

PhD student at the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Florence, Italy, and researcher at the Resilience Development Initiative (RDI), Bandung, Indonesia. He has an M.Sc. degree with honors in Applied Geology at the University of Madras (Chennai, India).

Roversi Giacomo

PhD Student, Ca' Foscari University of Venice / CNR-ISAC Rome

PhD student in Polar Sciences (DIN-SP 39°) at Venice Ca’ Foscari. He studies Antarctic precipitation and cloud microphysics from ground and spaceborne observations


Suaria Giuseppe

Researcher, CNR-ISMAR

Researcher at ISMAR Lerici, he studies the dynamics of accumulation, distribution and transport of plastics in polar, oceanic and Mediterranean environments. In 2017 he participated in the ACE expedition sampling microplastics during the entire circumnavigation of the Antarctic continent.

Segato Delia

PhD Student, Ca' Foscari University of Venice

I’m a PhD student at Ca’Foscari University of Venice. My main topic of research is about past sea ice reconstruction through halogen measurements in polar ice cores.

Spagnesi Azzurra

PhD Student, Ca' Foscari University of Venice

Graduated in paleoclimatology, with previous experience in dendrochronology and Surface Exposure Dating (SED), I currently work on paleoclimatic reconstructions through the continuous analysis of alpine ice cores.

Securo Andrea

PhD Student, Ca' Foscari University of Venice

PhD student in Polar Sciences. Studying glaciers through geomatics and remote sensing.

Santin Ilaria

PhD Student, Università di Trieste

PhD student in Applied Geophysics. My research is based on geophysical characterization of glacial and periglacial environments, through electromagnetic techniques. I carry on geophysical surveys both in the Alps and in Antarctica

Spezza Alessia

PhD Student, Ca' Foscari University of Venice - University of Milan

PhD student in Polar Sciences, born in L'Aquila on 09.06.1997. Graduated in Environmental Sciences and Environmental Biology, currently working at the University of Milan in Political and Environmental Sciences.



postdoctoral researcher, insittute of polar sciences - national research council of italy

PhD in Polar Sciences with a thesis focused on Antarctic ablation areas by means of remote-sensing applications. At the moment, his study deals with the effect of biotic and abiotic components at the margins of the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets, as well as at the glaciers in Svalbard archipelago

tenti martina

PhD Student, Ca' Foscari University of Venice

Master’s degree in Exploration and Applied Geophysics. I am a PhD student in Polar Sciences and my research focuses on geophysical data processing and interpretation to detect Pleistocene deposits on the seabed in the Ross Sea, Antarctica.

teruzzi luca

PhD STUDENT, University of milan

PhD student in Physics, mountain lover, dealing with the optical properties of aeolian dust in Alpine and Polar cryosphere and in atmospheric aerosols to deepen the understanding of climate-regulating processes

Tosco Monica

PhD Student, Ca' Foscari University of Venice /OGS

I’m a PhD student from the 39° cicle of Polar Sciences at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. I have a master degree in Physics of Meteoclimatic System.


Uboldi Thomas

PhD STUDENT, Université du Quebec à Rimouski (UQAR)

PhD in oceanography concerning the effect of cargo ship noise on the physiology and behaviour of marine invertebrates to assess the impact of new trade routes in the Arctic.


Valle barbara

PhD STUDENT, University of Milano

Naturalist, I study plants and arthropods of Alpine glaciers, focusing on supraglacial environments and their ecological role as refugia during interglacial periods for cryophilic organisms, in particular springtails and carabids

Vitale Giulia

PhD Student, Ca' Foscari University of Venice

Biologist graduated in Genoa and in Turin. Currently, I’m a PhD student in Polar Sciences and a CNR-ISP associate. I work on microplastics and plastic additives in polar marine environments.

vecchio maria alessia

phd student, university of genoa

I am a 26 year old girl with a strong passion for science. My field of study is environmental chemistry with particular interest in polar zones.

Vandelli Stefano


PhD in space sciences with previous experience at ESA ESTEC in satellite polar imaging. Post-Doc at CISAS Padua University on climate change. Currently, I'm involved in some arctic exploration programs for science analysis.

Volterrani Carlotta

PhD student, CNR IRET

PhD student in Polar Sciences at Cà Foscari (Venice). My focus is the herbivore impacts on nutrient relationships (carbon and nitrogen) in High Arctic Tundra. I'm also a research fellow in stable isotope research group at CNR-IRET (Porano, TR).

Vetrano Dario

MSc student, Politecnico di Torino

I am an aerospace engineering student at Politecnico di Torino. I am into space observation from Earth and space.


Zurli Luca

Postdoctoral researcher, University of Siena

I am a geologist and my research activities are focused on sedimentological analysis and multianalytical provenance studies of glacial and fluvial sediments in Antarctica

Micio Maurizio

MASCOT, University of Genoa

I'm the resident cat and emotional support at the University of Genoa.