online events

16 SePtember 2021 h18.30

APECS ITALY 2015-2021

The presentation will focus on presenting the structure and activities carried out by APECS Italy in the period from 2015 to 2021 and the critical issues that emerged in managing an association based on volunteering. This seminar will be the meeting point between the ideas and activities carried out by the previous management, which ended in 2021, with the new structure taking shape thanks to the new coordination group.

Istituto di Scienze Polari – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

Università Ca’Foscari di Venezia – Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Informatica e Statistica


Dr. Andrea Spolaor


Current Position


Researcher at ISP – CNR (Institute of Polar Science – National Research Council). 

I am interesting in paleoclimate and snow chemistry studies including elements and compounds post-depositional and photochemical process in surface snow and snow-atmosphere interactions. My main topic is trace elements measurements in ice cores with particular focusing on iron (includes its chemical speciation) for its role in the ocean fertilization, and halogens measurements for their connections with sea ice changes. I am also interest in the impact caused by the ancient civilization on atmospheric composition and the recent impact and contamination cause by human activities in natural environments. I am involved in aerosol measurements in polar environment for understand the natural cycle of trace elements, biogenic compound and black carbon and their possible changes in the recent decades. I participate in several field expeditions in Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine regions.